About Ghesh

Hello everyone,

My name is Brother Ghesh. As a content creator I’ve been active for 8 years and streaming for 5. Primarily I make content with videogames and gaming has been something that’s been apart of me for almost my entire life.

I played Street Fighter II when I was 3 years old and while I couldn’t do a Hadouken, the graphics, exciting fast paced action and crazy sound effects would spark the passion that is gaming today for me.

Growing up, I was very much into Nintendo games: Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid and so on. I remember the first time I beat Ocarina of Time and it was a rush of feeling like I had conquered something incredible and of course I would go on to return to the game trying out new things and discovering all of its secrets, this feeling carried on with every game I would play and eventually beat.

Everyone should have something that provides an outlet or means to escape what is going on in their life; during times when life wasn’t so pleasant, video games saved me. If anything, completing the problems in video games helped provide a real world connection in solving issues and having a positive mindset that you can succeed and look awesome doing it. I clearly wouldn’t be doing all of this now if video games didn’t have the impact that they did.

I started getting into content creation, (Making Let’s Play Videos), after watching many different people play video games primarily on YouTube, Game Grumps, Maximilian Dood, and AVGN to name a few. Taking the initiative to start recording and editing game-play footage while providing commentary provided a new way to enjoy video games while also being able to have a memory of the experience itself.

But like video games, the way they evolve over time, the method that people enjoyed them also changes. It was for a few years that I started watching streamers play video games (Thanks, Twitch.) and the way this was presented provided an entirely different and amazing way to enjoy video games. Imagine wanting to try a game but watching trailers wasn’t enough to get an idea… watch someone else play it who didn’t have ties to the game developers. There was something else though that really made this platform shine, the community.

Streams are live broadcasts much like radio stations and news stations on TV and people can watch streamers in real time and also interact with them via chat, donations and even playing with them in the game they played. After much research and experimentation, I finally started streaming on my own and now have been doing so for three years and have loved every second of it. I hope this platform continues to grow as well as the community around video games and it becomes even more amazing than what is already is.

So why go into all this detail on the about me section? I want to outline why I’m going to all this trouble to start this blog and highlight the motivators behind it all. I want to promote new games and talk about trends in gaming and even provide helpful tips for people looking to try content creation/streaming or get into a genre of video games that they never thought of before. Whatever the reason, so long as someone who sees this finds a passion for gaming willingly and wants to show it; I will have achieved my goal.

As always,

Brother Ghesh out~

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