Bombergrounds: Bomberman BR Nostalgia

Remember Bomber Man? A small adorable guy with beady eyes who ran around throwing bombs at everything and eventually trying to blow up his other bomber friends in a square arena of explosive death?

Recently I discovered on Steam a new Battle Royale game with the Bomberman archetype and I have to say… it blew me away.

So for anyone who has never played Bomberman, the point of the game is to blow up the map with bombs and eventually blow up the other players to be the last one standing. The bombs blow up in a grid pattern fashion so a bomb would blow up in four directions.

With Bombergrounds the same idea is in place, however you have a new method of eliminating players (24 other players I should mention) which involves charging up your melee weapon to full meter then unleashing it and wiping your enemy off the face of the map! *evil laugh*

Of course this method does slow you down and leave you open to taking a bomb to the face… unless you can hit the bomb right back at them!

There are powerups to collect as well including speed, super bombs and shields. As you blow up objects (or players) you collect stars that will level up your character to have bigger bombs and your character grows as well!

While the game is still in early launch, it is easy to load and start playing right away!

You can even customize your character with different outfits and skins for yourself and your weapons! I have a feeling this collection of items will only grow in time. I must mention this however…


But it’s purely cosmetic and you can unlock items by simply playing the game and earning in game currency and the best part of all this is:


So what are you waiting for? Go blow up some poor saps and be the bestest bomber person on that giant square thing!

As always,

Brother Ghesh out~

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